DNA Cloning
Gibson's DNA assembly technology absolutely reshaped our daily routine lab DNA cloning progress. However, the price of Gibson's DNA assembly kit is slowing down its wide application, specially in budget tightening lab. We thus developed a new DNA assembly method, UClone DNA Master Mix Kit for DNA Cloning and Mutagenesis. This kit contains only a single DNA exonuclease which was recruited to perform for in vitro DNA assembly. DNA gap fill-in and ligation of assembled DNA will be done by the endogenous DNA polymerase and ligase in E. coli in vivo. Since in vitro assembly was performed at room temperature lower than melt temperature, the perfect endogenous enzymes closed the DNA gap, UClone master mix kit for DNA cloning and mutagenesis, works even better than traditional Gibson DNA assembly kit did. UClone Master kit is also suitable for DNA mutagenesis, including point mutation, insertion and deletion mutation, through multiple pair primers and multiple fragment assembly.
Therefore, UClone master mix kit is the perfect alternative of Gibson assembly kit, regarding to the price, reaction time and accuracy etc.